When you think about reaching the unreached people of the world for Christ, who comes to mind? Most people think about Indigenous tribes that live in deep jungles, isolated islands, or far-away African villages. Sometimes people think about the homeless, immigrants, prisoners, or other disadvantaged people. All of those answers would be correct, and there are already countless ministries whose mission is to reach those people. However, there is an unreached people that most Christians never think about.
Here at Rez the World, our ministry is to reach these unreached people that the majority of other Christian missions and ministries will never touch. These people are not generally found in jungles, deserts, wastelands, soup kitchens, homeless shelters, prisons, safe houses, or other desperate locations. They are hanging out with their friends online from the safety of their warm homes with plenty of food and most of their daily needs met comfortably. They have everything they need, except Jesus. Will you donate to help bring the message of the cross to these precious ones?